Managed IT Services vs In-House IT: Pros and Cons for Your Business

In today's rapidly evolving technological landscape, businesses must choose the most suitable IT support model that aligns with their unique needs and long-term objectives. Likewise, this article will tackle two (2) of the most popular IT models: in-house vs managed IT services. We will delve into the pros and cons of both options to provide businesses with valuable insights that can help them make informed decisions tailored to their unique needs and long-term goals.

Managed IT Services

Managed IT services refer to outsourcing the management and maintenance of an organisation's IT infrastructure and systems to a third-party provider. The core objective of Managed IT Services is to ensure the efficient and reliable operation of a business’ IT systems while allowing the internal staff to focus on core business functions.These services are typically provided through a subscription-based model, offering a range of customisable services tailored to the specific needs and requirements of the client. Usually, managed IT services encompass a wide range of IT support and solutions, including network monitoring, data backup and recovery, cybersecurity, software updates, hardware maintenance, and help desk support.

Managed IT Services vs In-house IT

Pros of Hiring a Managed IT Services

Managed IT services are increasingly becoming popular for businesses of all sizes seeking to improve and optimise their operations. Why? Like other outsourcing practices, managed IT services provide numerous benefits to a business, including the following:

1. Cost-Effective Operation

When hiring managed IT services vs In-house IT, the former is cheaper. Typically, hiring and managing an in-house IT is expensive. But by outsourcing IT management, organisations can avoid expenses related to hiring full-time staff, training employees on new technologies, and purchasing expensive equipment or software licenses.Likewise, most managed IT service providers are well-equipped and experienced in proactively monitoring and managing IT systems. They can identify and solve issues that may arise before it becomes a problem.

2. Access to Expertise

Another advantage of Managed IT Services is that it provides access to a team of skilled experts with extensive knowledge in various areas of information technology. Australia is still facing a skills shortage, with reports stating that more than half of the largest employing occupations are facing shortages. Queensland, particularly Gold Coast, is experiencing a skills shortage in most occupations like software and applications programmers.But with managed IT services, companies will have full access to a team of fully trained and qualified IT professionals that is otherwise hard to find and hire. These professionals stay updated with industry trends and best practices to deliver effective solutions tailored to meet business needs.

3. Scalability and Flexibility

Managed IT Services are designed to be scalable and flexible to meet the changing needs of businesses. As companies grow or experience fluctuations in their IT requirements, the service provider can easily adjust the level of support and resources to match the demand. The provider can quickly allocate more staff or adjust service levels to address the increased demand.Likewise, most managed IT service providers provide seasonal variations to their solutions. They can adjust the level of support during peak seasons and scale it back during slower periods, ensuring optimised resources and cost-effectiveness.

4. Proactive Maintenance and Support

One of the key benefits of managed IT services is proactive monitoring and maintenance. Providers continuously monitor networks and systems to identify potential issues before they escalate into major problems. This proactive approach helps minimise downtime, improve system reliability, and enhances productivity.

5. Focus on Core Business Functions

By opting for managed IT services, businesses can offload the burden of managing their IT operations and instead rely on experienced professionals who specialise in providing comprehensive IT support. This allows organisations to focus on their core competencies while ensuring their technology infrastructure remains secure, up-to-date, and optimised for performance.

Cons of Hiring a Managed IT Services

While there are several benefits from managed IT services, it undeniably has some disadvantages. Here are some of them.

1. Limited On-Site Presence

Managed IT Services often have limited on-site presence due to their focus on remote monitoring, management, and IT infrastructure and services support. Likewise, Some IT problems may require hands-on attention, especially when dealing with hardware failures or complex infrastructure setups. Limited on-site presence could delay resolving these issues, potentially impacting business operations.

2. Dependency on Third-Party Providers

While using third-party providers is great, depending on them can sometimes cause significant risks. Sometimes, the third-party provider may experience downtime or disruptions due to technical issues, maintenance, or other reasons. This could impact the dependent business's operations and productivity.Similarly, if the third-party provider fails to deliver the expected level of service, the dependent business may experience subpar IT support and performance, affecting overall efficiency and customer satisfaction.Moreover, over time, dependency may cause the third-party provider's systems and technologies to be heavily integrated into your business, making it challenging to switch to another provider without significant disruptions and costs.

3. Potential Communication Challenges

When hiring Managed IT Services, various communication challenges may arise due to the nature of the service provider's remote operations and the unique dynamics of the partnership. Face-to-face interaction may need to be improved, especially when conveying complex technical information or collaborating on critical projects.Similarly, IT professionals often use technical jargon that may be unfamiliar to non-technical staff in the client's organisation. This can lead to miscommunication and difficulties in conveying complex IT concepts.

4. Privacy and Data Concerns

For some businesses, particularly those dealing with sensitive data or operating in highly regulated industries, entrusting sensitive data and information to a third-party provider can raise security concerns. Likewise, businesses must ensure that the service provider has robust data security measures to protect against data breaches, unauthorised access, and cyber threats.

5. Less Control Over Prioritisation

Relying heavily on a third-party provider means relinquishing some control over critical aspects of the business. This loss of control could lead to decisions being made without direct input from the organisation, potentially affecting the company's direction and strategy.For example, businesses may lose control over their IT infrastructure and processes when relying heavily on a third-party provider. Decisions and changes may need to go through the provider, leading to potential delays and limited autonomy.

In-House IT

An in-house IT refers to an IT department or team within an organisation responsible for managing, maintaining, and supporting the IT systems, and services. In contrast to outsourcing IT functions to external service providers, an in-house IT team comprises employees who work directly for the organisation.The primary role of an in-house IT team is to manage the company’s IT infrastructure. They usually set up and main the organisation's local area network (LAN) and wide area network (WAN), ensuring connectivity and optimal performance.Likewise, they also manage and troubleshoot computer hardware, servers, laptops, desktops, and other devices employees use. They handle software installation, updates, and support for the organisation's applications.In addition, in-house IT teams are responsible for implementing and maintaining security measures to protect the organisation's data from cyber threats, unauthorised access, and data breaches.

Managed IT Services vs In-house IT

Pros of Hiring an In-house IT

An in-house IT team offers several advantages, including greater control over IT operations, a direct understanding of the organisation's unique needs, and potentially faster response times for IT support.Now, let’s look at and examine the unique benefits it provides to a company.

1. In-depth Knowledge of the Company

In-house IT teams are employed within the company. This means they are directly and continuously involved in the organisation’s day-to-day operations. As such, in-house IT personnel often develop a deep understanding of a company's unique culture, workflows, and specific IT needs. This knowledge allows them better to understand the strategic objectives and priorities of the business. It helps them tailor IT strategies to support the company's overall goals.Likewise, being directly involved in providing user support, in-house IT professionals become familiar with common issues employees face. This first-hand experience helps them develop efficient support processes and user-friendly solutions.

2. Immediate Response and Hands-on Support

In-house IT teams are always present within the organisation and office location. This allows them to respond to some issues and offer immediate on-site support when needed. Thus, leading to faster response times.Moreover, the in-house IT team overtime accumulates knowledge about the organisation, the history of IT implementation, and past challenges. With this institutional knowledge, the in-house IT personnel can facilitate quicker troubleshooting and decision-making.

3. Alignment with Company Culture

As mentioned earlier, in-house IT teams are more familiar with the company’s day-to-day operations, giving them a deeper understanding of the company’s culture. This means that they are more committed to the company's long-term goals and are more likely to be interested in helping it grow and achieve success.As such, this alignment of in-house IT with the organisation's overall business goals and objectives allows for seamlessly integrating IT strategies with the company's long-term vision.

4. Data Security and Control

In some cases, in-house IT alignment can offer better data security and control than managed IT services. With in-house IT, the organisation has direct oversight and control over its IT infrastructure, data management, and security measures. This level of control allows the organisation to implement security practices tailored to its specific needs and compliance requirements.Likewise, In-house IT teams may have a higher level of commitment to maintaining the confidentiality of the organisation's data, as they are directly invested in the company's success and reputation.

5. Customisation and Prioritisation

Generally, in-house IT offers better customisation and prioritisation capabilities than externally managed IT services. As mentioned, in-house IT teams intimately understand the organisation's unique requirements, workflows, and business processes. This deep knowledge enables them to develop tailored IT solutions that match the company's needs precisely. Also, they can provide more customised and flexible solutions and adjust IT services to suit specific requirements.Moreover, in-house IT teams can respond quickly to changing priorities and urgent requests since they are readily available on-site. They can adjust their schedules and dedicate resources to promptly address critical tasks. They can also reallocate resources dynamically to meet shifting priorities, ensuring that critical projects receive the necessary attention and support.

Cons of Hiring an In-house IT

Still, maintaining an in-house IT department also comes with challenges, such as higher costs for hiring, training, and retaining skilled IT professionals, the need to stay updated with rapidly evolving technologies, and the potential limitations in specialised expertise that external IT service providers can offer.Here is an in-depth assessment of the drawbacks that comes with an in-house IT:

1. Higher Costs

An in-house IT team is typically more expensive than managed IT services due to various factors such as recruitment costs, human resource costs, overhead costs, equipment, and more. Relatively, acquiring specialised IT expertise can be expensive for in-house teams.On the other hand, managed IT services offer cost-effectiveness by providing specialised IT support and services through a subscription-based model. The managed services provider manages staffing, training, and other operational costs, allowing businesses to access expert IT support without bearing the full burden of in-house team expenses.

2. Recruitment and Retention Challenges

Different from a fully managed IT team, hiring an in-house IT is finicky. It requires some human resource tasks that can present several challenges to a company. Firstly, there is a high demand for skilled IT professionals, making it a competitive job market. Finding candidates with the right skill set and experience can be challenging, especially for niche roles.Likewise, certain niche technologies or cybersecurity skills might have higher salary demands. Meeting these salary demands within budget constraints can be difficult for some businesses.

3. Limited Access to Specialised Skills

As mentioned, some niche technologies or tasks may require more work to find a candidate with these skills. Likewise, there might be a limited pool of qualified IT professionals in certain locations, making it challenging to find suitable candidates locally.In addition, some IT roles require certifications from specific vendors. Finding candidates with the necessary certifications can be challenging, especially if those certifications are relatively new or niche. These roles can otherwise be hired from managed IT services.

4. Inability to Match 24/7 Support

One of the limitations of an in-house IT team is their ability to match 24/7 support. In-house IT teams usually operate during regular business hours. Providing 24/7 support would require around-the-clock staffing, which can be expensive and impractical for many organisations, especially smaller ones.

5. Possible Lack of Vendor Diversity

Businesses may lack vendor diversity when relying solely on an in-house IT team. Firstly, in-house IT teams may become reliant on a limited number of vendors for hardware, software, and IT services. This dependency can hinder exploring alternative solutions that may better suit the organisation's evolving needs.Likewise, without this exposure, the in-house team may miss out on the latest innovations.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Between Managed IT Services and In-House IT

It is essential to consider a company's specific needs and requirements when deciding to hire managed IT services vs in-house IT. It is crucial to weigh these benefits against potential drawbacks and ensure that the chosen IT service model aligns with the organisation's unique circumstances and objectives.Here are some factors you should ask yourself.

Managed IT Services vs In-house IT

A. Size and Nature of the Business

When choosing between managed IT services vs in-house IT, it’s important to factor in the size and nature of the business. It will be a part of your decision factors and help you make an informed decision that will align with your requirements, goals, budget, and long-term plan.For example, if you are a small local coffee shop on the gold coast, managed IT services would likely be a more suitable option. Why? A small tea shop typically has straightforward IT requirements, such as setting up a basic network, point-of-sale systems, and email services. Managed IT services can efficiently handle these basic needs without needing a full in-house team.

B. Budget and Cost Considerations

The budget of a business is crucial when choosing between managed IT services vs in-house IT. It directly impacts the financial feasibility and sustainability of your IT model and operation. For example, small and medium-sized businesses often need more budgets. Thus, a managed IT service would be better as it is cheaper.On the other hand, large corporations can invest in a core in-house IT team to handle critical and strategic IT functions. Other companies may combine in-house IT and outsource certain IT functions to Managed IT Services providers to balance cost-effectiveness and specialised expertise.

C. Required Level of IT Support

The required IT support level is crucial when choosing between managed IT services and in-house IT. Firstly, assessing the required IT support level helps determine whether managed IT services or in-house IT can meet the organisation's expectations. Different businesses have varying needs, and the chosen option should align with the desired level of service.For example, if the company has a complex IT infrastructure with multiple systems, databases, and applications, an in-house IT team may be better equipped to handle the intricacies and unique challenges. On the other hand, managed IT services can offer scalable solutions for businesses with simpler IT requirements.

D. Security and Compliance Needs

Security and compliance needs are critical factors to consider when choosing between managed IT services vs in-house IT. These factors directly impact the organisation's ability to protect sensitive data, maintain regulatory compliance, and mitigate potential risks.As such, an in-house IT team is a good option for businesses handling sensitive data as they implement tailored security protocols to protect critical data and infrastructure, ensuring a higher level of control over security measures.

E. Long-Term Business Strategy

Long-term business strategy is crucial when choosing between managed IT services and in-house IT because it directly impacts the organisation's ability to align its IT support model with its overall strategic goals and vision.Managed IT services can offer scalability and flexibility, allowing businesses to adapt their IT support as their requirements evolve. This is especially good for a growing company with a growing customer base.


In conclusion, the decision between managed IT services and in-house IT is a critical choice that can significantly impact a business's success in the modern technological landscape. Both options offer unique advantages and considerations that should be carefully evaluated based on the organisation's needs, budget constraints, and long-term objectives.Managed IT services provide a compelling solution for businesses seeking cost-effective access to specialised expertise, scalable support, and proactive maintenance. On the other hand, in-house IT teams offer direct control, tailored solutions, and a deep understanding of the company's internal operations.Ultimately, the ideal choice hinges on balancing cost-effectiveness, scalability, security, and alignment with long-term business goals. And Soma Technology Group can help you decide. Contact us now!