Office 365 Features

What Kind of Testing Procedures Prove Your Backups Will Actually Work? | Office 365 Features

Office 365 Features

Office 365 features a diverse selection of easy-to-use functions that help people collaborate and communicate more effectively. Other Office 365 key features include the ability to quickly connect throughout your organisation regardless of your physical location, content storage, social tools, and high calibre built-in security. Office 365 features more than just easy word processing applications and is a strong platform available to large, medium, or small businesses.


Office 365 is cloud-based making everything in your browser accessible to your team anywhere they have an internet connection. They have access to the software, applications, and data they need around the clock and are available to them inside and outside of the office meaning work can carry on as normal no matter where your team are located.Certain Office 365 configurations also include the option to install an offline version making offline work possible as well.

Team Chat

Office 365 features Yammer, a unified communication app that functions as a social media network for your organisation. Your team will be able to discuss tasks, projects, and dispense advice rapidly without becoming lost amongst all the emails contained in your inbox.

Real-Time Co-Authoring

Collaborating through Word, Excel, and PowerPoint is also one of the key Office 365 key features and permits users to see real-time edits or other addendums co-workers make to a document. Each version is saved automatically which makes going back to earlier versions convenient. Clients, other teammates, or departments can access the files easily by simply sharing a copy and paste of the URL.

Microsoft Planner

Another one of the key features of Office 365 is the ability of Planner to create workflows for projects. Once a project is started in Planner it creates a cascading flow where after an employee ticks finished on a section, Planner automatically allocates it to the person who needs to work on it next.

Power Map

Office 365 features Power Map, an interactive data visualization feature in Excel, which helps users assess, visualise, and share knowledge gleaned from data. It uses Power BI and allows you to convert data into a 3D interactive map while incorporating three filters: list, range, or advanced.

Self-Decluttering Smart Inbox

This is one of the key features of Office 365 everyone will appreciate since it helps simplify and streamline e-mail usage. The feature is titled Clutter, it analyses how you use your mailbox and list high priority messages above low ones. Lower priority messages are moved to your “clutter” folder and are available for viewing when it is convenient.

Resume Reading

Resume Reading lets your stop reading documents and start where you left off regardless of the device you use for reading. It bookmarks the last page read making it a convenient and structured way to work through long documents.

No more size restrictions

Once a file has been uploaded to Office 365’s cloud storage users can access Outlook, or the Outlook app, to create an e-mail with links to the files. This skirts around attachment size restrictions e-mail forces on users and allows easy editing and sharing of your documents.

Hearty Security and Reliability

Users and organisations can rest assured that Office 365 key features include strong security measures and reliability. Microsoft takes these issues seriously and is committed to keeping your information secure.

Looking for more information on IT services?

As a managed services provider, soma technology group is happy to help answer any questions you have about Office 365 and to assist you in understanding what options are available to your business. With leading IT outsourcing services, we are here to keep your organisation at the forefront of industry. Get in touch with a managed services company Australian businesses trust over the phone on 1300 131 559 or online to get started today!